Tuesday, August 7, 2007

3 Great Weight Loss Exercises

Its a given that effective weight loss is much more then simply going on a diet. To really lose weight and (hopefully) keep that weight off, you need to add exercise to the equation. For Most people, weight loss exercise means aerobics running, jogging, kick boxing or some other type of routine where you get your heart racing for 30 to 45 minutes.

Its true, that one hour of aerobic exercise probably burns more calories than one hour of weight training. However, the calories burned during exercise are only part of the story. When you're finished lifting weights, your muscles need repair themselves; this repair process burns additional calories. Further, the result of this repair process is additional muscle mass, and guess what --muscles burn calories, even if you're just sitting around. Recently, Curves Fitness centers revealed the results of two separate studies that prove just that. The studies showed that participants were actually burning, on average, an additional 265 calories per day, because of the additional muscle mass. Meaning they could actually eat more everyday without gaining weight!

Want to really pack some muscle on? Try adding these three exercises to your fitness routine. All three are compound exercises meaning they work multiple muscles simultaneously.

The Squat: One of the toughest exercises you can do, the squat, as its name implies, involves squatting down to an almost sitting position, then pushing yourself back up. Squats can be performed with or without added weights. Simply stated, the squat packs muscle on your lower body, muscle that will be burning calories for you, even while you sleep.

The Dead lift: Another great lower body exercise that also hits your shoulders and arms. Using a barbell, you start in an almost kneeling position, keeping your spine straight. You grip the weight(s) about shoulder width apart, then slowly push up until you're standing with the weight at about waist level. After a momentary pause, you slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

The Bench Press: Here we work the upper body, especially the chest and shoulders. This exercise can be performed using either a barbell or dumb bells. You start by lying on a bench, grip the weights at about shoulder width, press up until just before your arms lock, then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.

All three of these great exercises have multiple variations; beginners should start with very low weight and practice the exercise to get proper form. Better yet, invest in an hours worth of personal trainer time and have him/her get you started and help you develop an ongoing plan.

5 Secrets For Sexy Arms

Just about every woman I've ever trained focuses a lot of attention on getting smaller hips, butt, abs and legs. Sound familiar? In truth, a symmetrical body is one of the sexiest looks you can strive for

By symmetrical, I'm referring to an overall body fat reduction and a complete workout program that doesn't neglect any muscle group. A 'magical" end result will happen from a workout that makes the shoulders as important as the glutes, the chest as important as the hips -- and, yes -- the arms as important as the abs. This makes the body appear balanced and artistic in design.

Everyone is fascinated by women who have sleek and tight arms -- biceps that look fit with a bit of muscularity, and triceps that look tight and firm. It displays strength and femininity wrapped in one package. What could be sexier than that?There are a few things I've learned about attaining beautiful arms that have proven themselves time and again. These training concepts are not always seen in gyms and hardly performed by trainees.As always, you do have to perform cardio and strength training to make changes; these are the best tools we have to improve a muscle from a cosmetic standpoint.

Here's my formula for sexy arms:

1. Antagonist Workouts - Antagonist training refers to working opposing muscle groups in the same workout. There are many methods to manipulate a workout, but I've had great success performing a biceps exercise, immediately followed by a triceps exercise. For example, if you're performing three sets of dumbbell curls and three sets of triceps dumbbell extensions, you would perform the curl movement, and after completing the goal reps, immediately go to the triceps exercise. Wait a bit and then continue the cycle (biceps exercise followed by triceps). This allows you to use more weight poundage because the opposing muscle group gets a bit of a "rest" as you work the other muscle. This is my all-time favorite way to work arms, and I've had my best success with clients using this method.

2. Time Between Sets - I've found that arms respond quite well with a 45-to 60-second rest between sets. Using our antagonist workout example: in point #1 - After performing the biceps curl and triceps extension, one would wait no more then 45 seconds and then repeat the cycle. People tend to wait longer, or they repeat a set too soon. There has to be some time allotted for recovery, but not so much that you begin to get stale. This allows you to do more work in less time and pumps blood volume into the arm.

3. The Tweak - This special move is for the biceps muscles, not the triceps (back of the arm). The tweak refers to a simple move that will provide great results. For example, when performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell, most people will curl the weight up towards the upper arm and then return to the starting position and repeat. The fact is, they missed a critical move. When curling the dumbbell to the upper arm, you should turn the 'pinky' finger and wrist in the direction outside of the shoulder area as you approach the top part of the movement. This slight tweak provides a perfect biceps contraction and you'll definitely feel and see results from it. The entire movement - Curl -and-tweak is one movement, so don't separate them.

4. Specialization Days - Although I did make the initial comment that one should always strive for a symmetrical appearance, I also believe that using a specialized approach for specific periods provides great value. For example, for a four- to six -week period, add three to four additional sets for your biceps and your triceps in one of your weekly sessions. Don't try this in every workout because you'll simply over work them. Just one day per week, try adding volume (more sets). This will force your arms to adapt to an increase in overload. If you have time, you can even just add an additional workout day and make it just an arm workout session (no other muscle groups) for four to six weeks.

5. Lower Body Fat - You won't get great- looking arms with elevated body fat levels. Sometimes some of my new female clients tell me that they hate the flab on the back of their arms and want to know what exercises will make the arms sleek. It doesn't quite work like that. As you perform your arm exercises and as you reduce body fat through a slight calorie reduction with added cardiovascular exercise, - you'll see your arms develop the way you want them to. The muscles will develop slightly from your workouts, and your reduced body fat will then create sleek muscles.

A good nutrition program combined with a slight calorie deficit, cardiovascular exercise and weight training provides vital balance. A proper nutrition program will send just the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and mono unsaturated fats into your body and help your arms (as well as your entire body) look leaner. Cardio will accelerate the fat- burning process and weight training will stimulate and develop your muscles so that when the fat comes off - you're left with a lean and tight body, and of course, beautifully sculpted arms.

It may take some time, and you will have to be patient, but the end result will be worth it - strength and femininity in one package.

Health Tips For Busy People: Healthy Diet and Exercise In the Office

Many womens lifestyle magazines frustrate us by providing exercise regimens for work and then adding: You can do this exercise in your office! What about those of us who work in a cube or other small space (with no floor space for Pilates-style stretches) thats not very private (do you really want your boss to wander by right when you're doing jumping jacks?). Even if you are cube-confined, you can maintain your health in a cube.

Make A "Health" Drawer
Your filing spaces are your friends. Most cubes have lots of little drawers. Make one of them a health drawer. Add a zip lock bag or two with healthy non-perishable snacks in it (maybe dried veggies), a few bags of herbal, non-caffeinated tea (switch over from coffee midday to help you sleep better at night), and a travel-size hand-sanitizing gel for use regularly when theres a cold going around the office (did you know most colds are transmitted through shared objects like doorknobs?). A decorative canvas bag can store an extra pair of athletic shoes in case you can take a 10 minute walk or stretch break over lunch.

Get Blood Back To Your Brain:
Pop goes the weasel. When you sit in a cube in front of a computer or on the phone for hours at a time, gravity pulls your blood towards your feet. It pools in your feet, ankles, and fanny; if you're ever noticed your feet looking puffy towards the end of the day, the puffiness may be a side-effect of having blood spending so much time down there! Our arm and leg muscles function as pumps to get blood back to the heart.

While you could just do jumping jacks to get the blood flowing back upwards, there are less noticeable ways to get blood moving: If you've got a shelf in your high in your cube, keep daily use ables (paper clips, stapler) there; getting up regularly will remind you to stretch. While standing lift your legs up at the knee, one at a time, to help get blood flowing. One enterprising woman kept a postcard pinned up towards the very top of her cube wall - and kept an ever-growing collection of postcards that she exchanged every day in the afternoon. The new postcard each day perked her up, and it gave her a reminder to get up and stretch several times a day.

Muscular injury is common in the desk-job world. The Center for Disease Control reports that 92,576 injuries resulted from repetitive motion, including typing or key entry. Make sure to take breaks from the keyboard at least once an hour. Use a wrist support at your computer when you are typing or browsing, Your forearm, wrist, and hand should be on a level, not making a V. The Harvard RSI action group suggests some exercises to help prevent repetitive stress injuries (http://www.rsi.deas.harvard.edu/). If you spend a lot of time on the phone and cant use a speaker phone, don't hold the phone by crunching your shoulder against your ear. Instead, invest in or ask for a headset or shoulder support for your receiver.

Drink Plenty Of Water:
Drinking water is very important. It can help you recover from a cold more quickly (though it doesn't cure it), replenish lost fluids after exercise, and assist in weight loss (many people think they are hungry when they are actually thirsty, so make sure to take a drink before diving for the candy machine). Keep a four-cup bottle or thermos near the computer and replenish daily. Don't overdo though - excess water can dilute important minerals and vitamins in your blood stream.

Make Sure To Take Your Vitamins and Other Pills:
Pill reminders. Do you need regularly forget to take vitamins because you're busy? Find an attractive, desk-top container to put the bottle in - a decorative flower pot is one option. Something attractive and eye catching will remind you its there. This can also work for daily medications, but keep in mind that some medications can be toxic to others or have street-value (many prescribed pain killers), so these are medications that should stay with you, rather than your desk. Ian Mason

How Exercise Can Help You Sleep Better

The amount of physical activity that you expend during the day is a key ingredient to helping you sleep restfully at night.

The more active your body is during the day, the more likely you are able to relax fully at night and fall asleep easily.

With regular exercise your sleep quality is improved and the transition between the cycles and phases of sleep becomes smoother and more regular.

Keeping up your physical activity during the day may also help you deal with the stress and worry in your life.Studies indicate that there is a direct correlation between how much we exercise and how we feel both emotionally and physically by changes in our brain chemistry that occur from regular exercise.

Try to increase your physical daily activity during the day. The goal here is to give your body enough stimulation during the day so that you are not restless at night.Our bodies require a certain amount of physical activity in order to function in a healthy manner.It is important to note that you should not be exercising three to four hours before bed.

The ideal time for you to exercise is in the late afternoon or early evening. You want to expend your physical energy long before it is time for your body to rest and ready itself for sleep.Attempt to exercise at least three to four times a week for a continuous period of 20 to 30 minutes. This can include something as simple as walking or something as strenuous as running.The goal is to increase your heart rate and strengthen your lung capacity. Adding a regular exercise activity to your daily schedule will improve your overall health and benefit you emotionally. This can help promote a natural remedy for your sleeplessness.Besides walking and running there are many physical activities that you can add to your life to increase your activity level. Aerobic exercises seem to work best to battle sleeplessness.

Your goal is to increase the amount of oxygen that reaches your blood. There are many types of aerobic activities to choose from. These include running, biking, using a treadmill, jumping rope, and dancing.Some non-aerobic activities may be beneficial to you as you attempt to solve your insomnia problem. The following activities are relaxing and have other healing properties:- Yoga has a stimulatory effect on your nervous system, particularly the brain. Yoga uses breathing techniques and yoga postures to increase blood circulation to the brain centre, promoting regular and restful sleeping patterns. Regular practice of yoga will relax you as well as relieve stress and tension.

- Tai Chi is a form of breathing and movement that was developed by ancient Chinese monks. The movements involved in Tai Chi are precise and slow, which is ideal if you have joint pain or are unable to participate in high impact aerobic exercises. Studies have shown that Tai Chi may help people with insomnia by promoting relaxation.If you find that you have no time to exercise on a regular basis try sneaking extra moments of activity into your daily schedule. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible

Try parking your car around the corner and walking that extra block to your appointment. There are many small ways that you can incorporate some added activity into your life. Your goal is to have a healthy, well balanced life... George Lesco

How to Improve Your Stamina

Having the ability to run and run and run without getting tired is what every ideal athlete wants. Heck, even the couch potatoes would like that ability, they just don’t have the discipline to start and continue training. Well whether you’re a couch potato or a seasoned athlete, here is the one thing that is the sure-fire way to help you improve your stamina.

Discipline. Just starting is one thing. But to continue training is in a whole different ballpark. Many people get the desire to improve their stamina, so they start a training regimen. They train for a few days and start to get in better shape. But one day they don’t feel like training or don’t have the time to train. So they simply don’t. They take a day off from training. And pretty soon, that one day off turns into five days off! Not long after that, they’re back to where they started. All that hard work they did to improve their stamina for those first few days soon wore off and they returned back to being completely out of shape.

This is how stamina training works. You start off at 100% out of shape. For the first few days you work out, you drop down to about 95% out of shape. Now, as you keep on training, that percentage will decrease until it reaches 0%. Only then will you be completely in shape and have the ability to run miles, jump rope for hours, and have a lot more energy each day. But, if you were to stop training, that 95% you worked down to will go right back up to 100%. Leaving you completely out of shape once again.

You want to improve your stamina for good right? Well then start a training regimen and stick to it. Habits are formed after 21 consistent times. So for the next 21 days you should follow your own training regimen non-stop. And if you don’t feel like working out just remember this: The best time to work out is when you don’t feel like it.

What that does is get you in the habit of working out no matter what. For example: there were some days when you didn’t feel like taking showers, right? But you did it anyway so you wouldn’t stink up the place As a result, it became a habit for all of us (I hope). Well the same applies for stamina training. If you do it no matter how you feel, it will become a habit and you’ll be getting in better shape with each passing day. Working out will soon become part of your daily schedule and you won’t have any resistance to doing it anymore.

So remember: Discipline is the sure-fire way of how to improve your stamina!

5 Fat Loss Myths You May Not Know

The Myths About Health and Fitness:

The Hard Cold Truth Myth #1 -You are a part of the 1% of people that just can't help themselves.A lot of people like to think that they are a part of the 1% of people that can't help themselves when it comes to fitness and healthy eating. These people tend to believe that their case is indifferent; that they are doing everything right, and that there is just something wrong with them. This partially stems from the idea that having a medical condition can prevent you from training and eating properly. However, even doctors misdiagnose people on a regular basis. Most doctors don't know a great deal about nutrition and how to keep their bodies healthy, even though we believe them to. In my line of work, I have trained doctors and given them advice about nutrition. Trust me it is very rare that something is medically wrong with you so much as to keeping you from training and losing fat. In the end you need to be honest with yourself about what you are doing before book marking WebMD.

Myth #2 -Your metabolism slows down with age.As we age we become less active. We lose more muscle tissue and natural strength, due to years of inactivity and poor diet. However, you can control your metabolism, even as you age. Generally speaking, your metabolism will slow with age, but it is in your hands to control as to how fast it slows down.

Myth #3 – Cortisol is keeping you from losing fat.I just love these new pill commercials that say Cortisol is keeping you from losing fat. However, Cortisol is not to be blamed for body fat. Excess calories are what causes individuals to produce body fat. One of the most common things that does keep people from losing body fat is stress. Stress can prevent you from sticking to a daily exercise plan, and taking in a healthy diet. By keeping a strict dietary plan, and exercising daily, this allows your body to handle stress a lot better, and therefore causes your body to burn off fat much easier. As a result, you create a good state of mind, feel better about yourself, and produce less stress in your life.

Myth #4 -You can "tone" your body with higher reps and lower weights.Lower reps and heavier weights create a higher intensity. The more intense your workout session, the more you utilize and exhaust energy stored in the body. Therefore, the more you boost your metabolism with afterburn, the more fat you will lose. "Toning" does not exist. It is a made up word in the magazine world to make women feel better about using weights. "Toning" simply implies more definition, and better definition comes from lower body fat. Lifting a weight a bunch of times simply produces muscle endurance. It does little to nothing for fat loss.

Myth #5 - Carbs make you fat.Carbs do not make you fat, excess calories make you fat. Fat does not make you fat, and neither does protein: excess calories do! However, you do need carbs to lose fat. The key is a balanced diet and eating to gain energy. A low carb diet is not the key to healthy eating. Stick to less processed foods, and more whole foods and you should be set. ---Leigh Peele is a certified trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and a nationally published author on fitness and nutrition. You can find out more about Leigh Peele and fat loss by going to fatlosstroubleshoot.comLeigh Peele

Body Building Nutrition

How to Maximize Metabolism, Lose Body Fat & Build More Muscle the Right Way:

As a dedicated bodybuilder, you do exactly what the experts say. You cut calories and you exercise. You've made your "calories out" greater than your "calories in". So you should be losing body fat and building more muscle, right? But if you aren't losing body fat, perhaps you're still not paying attention to an often forgotten factor of weight and fat loss - your metabolism. Did you know that the food, exercise, and lifestyle choices you make every day have a significant impact on your metabolism? For example, if you starve yourself instead of following a sensible fat-loss eating plan your metabolism will slow down. When your metabolism slows, your calories out will be less. And that means you will gain fat instead of losing it.So for every day that you continue to slow your metabolism with unhealthy lifestyle choices, you get further and further away from your fat loss goals. Here’s how you can maximize your metabolism quickly and easily. Here Are My Top 10 Bodybuilding Tips to Help You Maximize Metabolism, Lose Your Unwanted Weight & Finally Build More Muscle the Right Way:1. Don't starve yourself. Cutting calories too much is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Starving yourself actually causes you to lose much more water weight and muscle than fat.2. Eat 6-8 small meals per day with an emphasis on lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. To lose fat and unwanted weight effective you must have a nutrition plan. So spend a couple hours on a day off preparing as much food as you can for the upcoming week.3. Eat breakfast. You should make this meal part of your daily metabolism-boosting plan. At the very least, eat a lean protein, drink Green Tea, and consume a fiber-rich fruit to get your fat loss day started right.4. Eat healthy fats. Sources of healthy fats included nuts, fish, olive oil, and flax oil. Replace processed carbohydrates in your diet with almonds. For example, if you currently eat a small bag of pretzels as a mid-afternoon snack, eat almonds instead. 5. Eat high quality foods that will help you control your blood sugar, insulin, and energy levels. This will help you lose fat and prevent you from gaining unwanted weight.6. Eat up to 1g of protein per pound bodyweight to a maximum of 150 grams per day for a woman or 200 grams per day for a man.7. Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol prevents fat burning and will quickly add hundreds of calories. Alcohol intake can also reduce testosterone levels, a big no-no for men looking to get lean.8. Drink Green Tea and water. This will prevent your metabolism from slowing down. Not too mention, these are your 2 healthiest beverage options. 9. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule. If possible, avoid working afternoon and overnight shifts. And, don't stay up late watching television. 10. Use the Turbulence Training strength and interval workout principles for the most efficient and effective metabolism-boosting workout. This means strength training with free weights and bodyweight exercises and performing shorter interval training workouts rather than long, slow boring cardio.Bonus Bodybuilding & Fat Loss Tip:Recently I have been experimenting with my clients adding an additional mini-workout to our regular Turbulence Training fat loss program. By completing a bodyweight circuit (10-20 minutes per day), we've discovered that we boost our metabolism again and increase our fat loss results.So if you do your regular bodybuilding workout in the morning, add a bodyweight circuit after dinner. On the other hand, if you workout in the afternoon, do a bodyweight circuit first thing in the morning.If your metabolism has slowed down due to improper dieting or lifestyle, then the Turbulence Training Lifestyle will help you get back on track to lose fat and gain more muscle. Once you correct your metabolism, you will be on the road to losing fat for good. As Creator of the Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, Craig Ballantyne has helped millions of body builders worldwide lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time with a proper diet and just 3 short but intense workouts a week. For a FREE, Immediate Controversial Fat Loss Report and FREE Turbulence Training Newsletter containing tips to help you maximize metabolism, build muscle and gain workout success go to turbulencetraining.com Craig Ballantyne

Monday, August 6, 2007

Health And Fitness For People Above 50

Most aging adults don't get enough physical activity. Exercise, though, can improve health impairments and prevent some diseases. It can also improve mood and emotional well being. The keys, though, to a sensible senior workout are to take it slowly and keep it up. Older people need to find a realistic mild to moderate enjoyable program.

Nude Fitness Model

Fitness Expert Targets Moms In 2004, Aeschliman released a DVD titled 15toFit.com's Prenatal
Fitness Designed for the Total Body. The 15toFit prenatal
fitness program offers short and effective workouts designed to strengthen the muscles needed to make pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery more comfortable. The program combines Pilates, partner yoga, strength training, and birth ball exercises into six 15-minute workouts that are fun, safe and effective. The video includes unique wellness segments designed to educate expectant mothers on crucial health issues. Aeschliman's DVD program met with so much success, she plans to expand her business into other products and share her knowledge of
fitness with more expecting moms.
Aeschliman is an NCSA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. She collaborated with physicians, physical therapists, nutritionists and most importantly, moms, to launch a
fitness website as well as her DVD program. Her website www.15tofit.com is being expanded to showcase more products and serve as a resource to help answer
fitness related questions. "I wanted to provide a destination site for moms that will help no matter what their current level of fitness," stated Aeschliman. In addition to the DVD the site includes unique products like Preggy Pops that are morning sickness lollipops.
The site is designed to be a place to find convenient, comfort and
fitness related items. Aeschliman's DVD was featured in the April/May 2005 edition of Fit Pregnancy magazine giving her national exposure. The 15toFit DVD is available for purchase online at target="_blank">www.15tofit.com. By July of this year, Aeschliman plans to have branded Go Mom
Fitness to expand her product and resources available online.Attention Show Producers: Interviews are available with Patrea Aeschliman and can be booked by calling Edge Marketing at 317.216.6346 ext. #3.
Patrea is expecting her second child in October of 2005, and can demonstrate products herself. Additional models are available if desired to meet your shows needs. Show topics can focus on fitness, product reviews and fashion..

Fitness Woman

What's The Hoopla About Ephedra Anyway? By Todd Brenner Ephedra is one of the world’s oldest medicines, as the Chinese first discovered it more than 5,000 years ago. The scientific name for Ephedra is ‘Ephedra Sinica’, which is an herbal product that comes from an evergreen plant called MaHuang.Ephedra is known to increase metabolism, relax the air passages, promote perspiration and promote urination. With these reactions in the body, Ephedra has been shown to help with weight loss, asthma, coughs, minor colds and edema.Physiologically, Ephedra stimulates the brain, causing nervousness and making the heartbeat faster. Ephedra temporarily expands the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchial tubes), which makes breathing easier in people who have asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Ephedra is best known for its fat burning (thermogenic) properties. Some research shows the ephedra promotes fat loss while sparing lean muscle. People also use Ephedra as an energy booster and to help with weight loss.According to the FDA’s website, the short-term use of Ephedra or Ephedra plus caffeine is associated with a statistically significant increase in short-term weight loss compared to placebo. There are no studies assessing the long-term effects of the use of Ephedra containing dietary supplements.Given the studies on short-term effectiveness, you may consider using Ephedra for a shorter length of time while you are concentrating on reaching your weight loss target. Be sure to consume Ephedra according to industry guidelines, which suggest no more than 10mg of Ephedra per
day. For the latest information on other diet related topics, visit www.DietWeightLossNews.org If you are interested in the latest with regards to public availability of Ephedra, go to www.EphedraEnergy.com

Fitness Workout

Life Fitness Ellipticals Are Amoung The Best The Life
Fitness company makes six different models. They are the Life
Fitness Elliptical X3, the Life
Fitness Elliptical X3i, the Life
Fitness Elliptical X5, the Life
Fitness Elliptical X5i, the Life
Fitness Elliptical x9i, and the Life
Fitness Elliptical Sports Cardio SX30. These machines are at the higher end of ellipticals and the Life
Fitness ellipticals are of the highest quality. The down side of the Life
Fitness ellipticals is the warrantiescould be better for the price you are paying. The last model mentioned the Life
Fitness Sport Model gives you a lifetime warranty on the frame, two years on the parts, and one year on the labor.
All the other models mentioned above have the same warranty, lifetime on the frame, two years on the parts, and one year on the labor.The Life
Fitness ellipticals X3, and X3i, are at the lower end of the six models. They are built very durable and are under three thousand dollars. The X3i has four more programs than the X3 and is slightly better. The Life
Fitness X5, and the Life
Fitness X5i, have something called the Select Stride, which means that you can select from four different settings, sprint, run, jog, and walk. These ellipticals may last a lifetime, they are built that well.
They are amoung the heaviest ellipticals made, so after they areput together, don't plan on moving them often. The Life
Fitness X9i has eighteen programs and seven personal programs. The quality is said to be that of a commercial gym
machine. This is one of the absolute best elliptical that money can buy. These ellipticals are quiet and very stable units.The last model, the Life
Fitness Elliptical Sports Cardio SX30 is at the lowest end that the Life Firness company makes.
It is an average elliptical trainer at best and so if you are considering this model you may also want to check out other competitive makes.All things considered it's hard to top the quality and value of Life
Fitness Ellipticals..
We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to fitness that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.

Diet Fitness

How To Choose A Golf Fitness Trainer By Sean Cochran - I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question during my travels around the country and world on the golf circuit; “Sean, I am looking for a golf
fitness trainer in my area, what do you suggest?” Finding a golf
fitness trainer for you, simply takes a little knowledge and time on your part. Bottom line there are thousands of
fitness experts, personal trainer, instructors, and conditioning coaches available to you. Some are more qualified than others to help you improve your golf game. Lets first off take a look at some general qualifications to look for in candidates. The golf trainer’s education would be the first thing I would consider. In the world of personal training and fitness, there are no educational requirements, governing bodies, or state boards. Essentially, anyone can hang a sign on their front door and call themselves a “personal golf
fitness trainer”. It’s unfortunate, but unqualified people are training people every day.A highly qualified golf
fitness trainer will likely have a college degree in the field of kinesiology, biomechanics, health sciences or a related field. There are many other organizations that accredit trainers too. These organizations provide intense educational programs providing the trainer with certifications. Accreditations from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, National Academy of Sports Medicine, and American Council of Exercise are highly regarded within the field. I would suggest looking for a golf
fitness trainer with a degree in the field and at least one additional certification from the above organizations. This tells us that they have taken the time to become more specialized and better educated.The Proof is in the PuddingExperience within the field is absolutely critical. First look at the trainer’s general experience and dig deeper. In general, I am talking about how long they have been in the industry. Are they just starting out or are they a seasoned veteran in the field? What areas of the industry have they worked? Have they worked only in the health club setting, have they worked in a collegiate or professional athletic environment, or experience directly related to the golf industry?I would look for a golf
fitness trainer with some experience in athletics. A trainer with experience in competitive athletics understands the demands on your body under competition, whether it’s the weekend round with your friends, the club tournament, or the Masters for that matter.Go to the Right Mechanic to Get Your Car FixedNow I don’t know about you, but if I had an engine problem with my car, I probably wouldn’t go to a motorcycle mechanic to get it fixed. Would you look for a personal trainer that specialized in let’s say, youth football, to help your golf game?Most trainers in the industry usually have a repeat client base. The client base can tell you a lot about the trainer’s area of expertise. The trainer’s cliental base could be very specific, for example working with elderly individuals or with athletes only. Other trainers may work with numerous types of individuals from young children, homemakers, to the budding collegiate star. More than anything a trainer’s client base gives you an idea if they have experience working with someone like you, and if they fit your individual needs. I would suggest looking for a golf
fitness trainer that has some experience working with someone like you. For example, if you are Nationwide Tour player, I would probably suggest looking for a golf
fitness trainer who has experience working with professional athletes. The experience of working with professional athletes is only going to help with the interaction between the two of you. Can’t We Just Get AlongOutside of education and experience, the final area to consider is the trainer’s personality. Some personalities will work well with you and others will not. To get the best results for you, you must find a trainer
that you are comfortable with on a professional and personal level. This will allow for the training sessions, development of your program, and the relationship to be a positive experience for both. Remember, you must trust the golf
fitness trainer and this requires a level of comfort with them.Overall, I suggest taking some time on the front end and interviewing a series of trainers. This will allow you to compare and contrast all of the criteria we’ve discussed, and help you make a decision you feel good about. Remember, choosing the right golf
fitness trainer for you can mean the difference between reaching your goals on the golf course or not.